The following email was sent to all members June 21
In this Power Stroke:
- Reminder: bring your own PFD and sanitize your hands
- Upcoming trips
- Call for volunteers: leading group paddles and helping at the boathouse
- Current COVID-19 policy
Bring a PFD
A reminder to please, if at all possible, bring your own PFD and whistle with you when you come to paddle. The club has a limited supply of PFDs and we must quarantine them between each use, so on busy days we may run out of club PFDs available for members to use. Sanitize your hands a minimum of 3 times each time you come to paddle: when you arrive at the boathouse, just before grabbing the hose to wash your boat, and again as you’re leaving.
Upcoming Club Trips
Fred Heal: Sunday July 18th at 8am
Members will sign up in advance for this 3-4 hour paddle. If you are interested please fill out this form. Space is limited. Members will meet at the boathouse at 8am, load up boats onto the club trailer and then should arrange their own ride out to Fred Heal, aiming to be on the water by 9:30am. The group should be back around 1-1:30pm
Fred Heal: Sunday July 25th at 8am
Members will sign up in advance for this 3-4 hour paddle. If you are interested please fill out this form. Space is limited. Members will meet at the boathouse at 8am, load up boats onto the club trailer and then should arrange their own ride out to Fred Heal, aiming to be on the water by 9:30am. The group should be back around 1-1:30pm
Flatwater Kayak Skills Development Weekend Aug 20-22 2021, Anglin Lake, SK
A 3 day front country camping weekend devoted to development of flatwater kayaking paddling skills. We encourage kayakers of a wide range of paddling skills to attend, no minimum skill level required. All we hope for is: from the novice kayakers, an enthusiasm to learn; and, from the more experienced kayakers, a willingness to share skills. For more information and to register, click here.
Call for volunteers
The SCC relies on volunteers for many parts of our operations. Below are some opportunities to volunteer with the club. Volunteers who help for 4 shifts at the boathouse, lead 3 group paddles, lead 2 day trips, or lead 1 overnight trip (or any equivalent combination of these) will earn a free 2022 Rec. Div. membership.
Help at the boathouse!
With summer here and the boathouse getting busier, our staff could use some help moving and disinfecting equipment at peak times throughout the week. Click here to sign up for a 1.5-hour boathouse shift, or email if you have any questions.
Lead a group paddle!
The Recreation Division group paddles are a good time for members to meet each other and for less experienced members to paddle in the safety that a group can provide. If you have some paddling experience and are comfortable on the river, consider leading a group paddle or even a few -- just pick any open time slot on the sign-up sheet here.
Lead a club trip!
This is your opportunity to pick a place/route you’d like to paddle and take advantage of SCC equipment to make it happen. Any member who wants to plan a Recreation Division trip should fill out the trip proposal form to start the ball rolling. Start your planning early enough to allow for a minimum two-week advertising period following approval of the trip by the Recreation Director. Things to consider when planning a trip:
- Trip date(s) and location
- Safety plans
- Transportation arrangements
- Level of paddling skill required
- Approximate number of boats/people who will be able to join the trip
SCC COVID-19 Policy
The club continues to focus on member and staff safety first and foremost, and thus we continue to follow provincial public health guidelines.
What this means for us:
- Masks continue to be required when 2-meter distance cannot be maintained (i.e. when approaching the boathouse).
- Members outside of household bubbles should try to maintain a 2-meter distance between other members, or mask when unable to do so.
- Current provincial policy, whether looking at workplace information or sports and activities, requires that commonly touched surfaces and equipment must be cleaned and disinfected regularly. For paddles and boats, this means after each use.
- Members are required to sanitize their hands before and after using shared equipment.
- In order to ensure safety guidelines are being followed, we will still maintain staffed boathouse hours at this time.
Thank you for continuing to help keep our community safe!